Frühling liegt in der Luft, endlich beginnen die Sträucher und Bäume wieder zu blühen. Dies in zarten Frühlingsfarben. Heute zeige ich euch daher meine momentanen Lieblingslooks in hellblau und hellgrün, denn was passt besser zum Frühling als Pastellfarben.
The first look consists of absolute must-haves. I combine a light blue blazer with a light blue and white checked back, a white croptop and matching shoes. The outfit looks particularly cool thanks to stylish sunglasses and bag
Flowered dresses in pastel colors are also an indispensable part of my spring wardrobe. So this beautiful dress with flowers also convinced me. A beret provides Parisian vibes.
Now we come to a casual look for every day, whether for shopping or for the office – I like to wear comfortable denim jeans and a cozy cardigan. In combination with a light blue lingerie top, simple sling pumps and striking jewelry, I like to spice up this oufit.