Smoothie Diet with Greamies

Spring is coming soon, and it’s time to wake up from the winter mode. In order not to become a victim of spring fatigue, a healthy and balanced diet with fresh products is indispensable. A smoothie diet is a way to break with the unhealthy habits of the past winter months and refuel vitamins & nutrients. First, I would like to introduce you to the Smoothie diet of as well as share my experiences with you, then illuminate the advantages of green smoothies more closely.


Greamies Smoothie Smoothie Kur Fitness Girl



The Smoothie Diet


A smoothie diet is wellness for your body. With the Smoothie cure, you can indulge yourself and your digestion in a simple way the valuable time out. Because we all know: too much sugar, fat, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, stress and no movement do not belong to a healthy lifestyle. The smoothie cure reduces the toxins and increases the amount of important nutrients in your body. This relieves the digestion and brings the metabolism as well as the fat burning to the high tours.


Since I am a real lover of sweets and co, I liked the idea really well. For honesty, for example, fasting would be nothing for me, since the nutrients are missing and are often added with artificial preparations too. Of course I was concerned that I might get hungry. This reaction should be prevented by eating a lot of vegetables and fruits for 2 days before starting the actual smoothie cure to prepare the body for vegetarian food with fewer calories than a classical meal. Therefore you should keep these two days in a self-experiment. The smoothies will be delivered to you at home and will get you frozen. When I arrived, they landed first in the freezer, since they are used from day 3 of the diet.


After the 2 days of preparation, I felt ready for more, the necessary number of smoothies is then simply briefly thawed and voilà los geht’s. You get four different smoothie varieties: 3x Berry Red, 3x Forest Green, 3x Grass Green and 3x Spring Green. Each day, 4 smoothies are drunk, you should not miss this amount, otherwise you get hungry. I have to admit on the first day my body still had to adjust to the liquid food, but I had not to deal with an extreme feeling of hunger.


Grean’s smoothies crystallized with Berry Red (banana, raspberry, carrot, basil, lime, chia seeds) and spring green (pineapple, avocado, pear, parsley, mint, ginger, matcha) . You will certainly find your favorites. But I think it is good that there are 4 varieties, the whole day the same to drink would be boring. From the second day I had become accustomed to the smoothies and was happy because I felt much more active. Super fast the three days were also over again and motivated to a healthier lifestyle. After the Smoothie cure two days are left for the restoration of solid food, with the menu suggestions you get the right inspiration for it. During the course, you should not plan any sporting top performances, since the body is supposed to regenerate itself. In addition I received a delicious herbal wellness tea, which you can drink during the cure, and will soon also be available in the Onlineshop.


Greamies Smoothies Smoothie Kur


The benefits of green smoothies


Green smoothies are true vital fuel bombs and the best medicine for the stressed civilization man.


Not for nothing, Hollywood stars swear by green smoothies and even research has meanwhile proved that the crushed green leafy of vegetables and fruits, which is food with the highest concentration of micronutrients at all.


The vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids ensure, inter alia, an increased oxygen concentration in the blood and can thus keep the body fit and even help prevent serious diseases.


In the concentrated form, the vital substances can also bind and dissipate toxins – the body is thus supplied with new energy. In the leaf green, the largest amounts of vital substances are surrounded by cellulose, but humans can not digest them effectively. This way, even the most delicious fresh salad leaves us with a large portion of the vegetable micronutrients.


Only a mixer with around 30,000 revolutions per minute can break up the plant cells and release the valuable, chlorophyll-containing vital substances in the form of a creamy raw food drink. Thus, food becomes a kind of effective medicine and does us all well.


About Greamies


What is special about is that whenever possible raw materials and products from Switzerland are used. The smoothies are also produced in Switzerland.


They rely on a traditional Swiss vegetable farm. All ingredients are gently (without heat) and processed by hand.


The products are then frozen to ensure that all nutrients are retained. Greagies can be stored for 6 months from date of production. Once defrosted, you should consume the smoothies within 3 days. If you are curious now, but the Smoothie cure does not trust you, the Greamies smoothies you also find at Globus.


Have you ever done a smoothie cure?






*Sponsored Post with personal opinion



    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 03:32 PM

      Thank you <3

  1. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 04:07 PM

    Is echt immer doof, dass es die Sachen teilweise in der Schweiz nicht gibt. Das is echt schade, aber kann eben nicht alles immer zu 100% überzeugen.

    Die Smoothie Kur klingt wirklich sehr interessant, sowas würde ich ja auch mal ausprobieren.
    Vor allem Berry Red sieht lecker aus.
    Liebe Grüße

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:37 PM

      Ja wirklich -.- Der ist auch einer meiner 2 Lieblingssmoothies 😀

  2. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 05:09 PM

    i should try 🙂

    • Tuesday March 7th, 2017 / 12:00 AM

      You really should

  3. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 07:22 PM

    Hey, nein habe ich noch nicht, ich kaufe auch gerne frische Zutaten je nach Geschmacklust, wenn ich einen machen.
    Früher habe ich zum Entschlacken einen Tag in der Woche Brennesseltee getrunken und Reis gegessen. Ein günstige und gute Variante um mal den Körper zu durchspülen.
    Ansonsten, wie gesagt, frisch gemixtes :).
    Liebe Grüße!

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:56 PM

      🙂 Ah echt? Ich mag ja Brennnesseltee auch sehr gerne, früher habe ich oft Rohkosttage durchgeführt. Reis alleine ist ja auch nicht gerade ein Ersatz für frisches Gemüse und Früchte 🙂

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:57 PM

      They are delicious 😀

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:59 PM

      They are 🙂

  4. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 08:09 PM

    Ich überlege schon total lange mal so eine Saftkur zu machen! Scheint dem Körper ja wirklich gut zu tun 🙂
    Hast mich gerade daran erinnert – werde mich in den nächsten Wochen mal darum kümmern!

    Liebste Grüsse

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:37 PM

      Eine Saftkur ist allerdings keine Smoothiekur, hier ist ja der Vorteil, dass sie nicht erhitzt werden dadurch zerstört man keine wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe. Säfte hingegen sind ja gepresstes Gemüse oder Früchte, dabei fehlen auch die Nahrungsfasern 🙂

  5. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 08:12 PM

    Eine Smoothie-Kur habe ich noch nie gemacht, aber meine Tochter liebt Smoothies!
    Viele Grüße

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:58 PM

      Sie sind auch super lecker, wenn gut gemacht 😀

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:54 PM

      Ich denke Qualität hat natürlich schon ihren Preis, aber es gibt ja auch DIY-Varianten.

  6. Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:02 PM

    Das Design gefällt mir echt gut und frisch hören die Drinks sich auch an. Ich mache mich mal schlau, danke für die Vorstellung und liebe Grüße,

    • Monday March 6th, 2017 / 11:52 PM

      Liebe Sylvia, das freut mich. Ja das Problem ist soweit ich das verstanden habe, dass die sonstigen Smoothies im Kühlregal zur Haltbarmachung erhitzt werden und so natürlich Nährstoffe verloren gehen.

  7. Tuesday March 7th, 2017 / 09:48 AM

    Über eine Smoothie-Kur hatte ich bisher noch nicht nachgedacht, klingt aber interessant (:

    Ganz lieber Gruß ♡

  8. Tuesday March 7th, 2017 / 11:05 AM

    Ich habe noch nie eine Smoothie-Kur gemacht, trinke aber gerne mal Smoothies 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,

  9. Tuesday March 7th, 2017 / 01:28 PM

    Ich mag diese ganzen fertigen Smoothies auch total gerne und es ist so schön einfach. Die Auswahl an Marken und Geschmacksrichtungen ist riesiiiiiig (Nur leider etwas teuer).
    Aber aktuell schaden ein paar Vitamine ja nicht 🙂

    Lg, Mny von

    • Tuesday March 7th, 2017 / 02:35 PM

      Ja absolut Vitamine und Co. gibt es nie genug.

    • Wednesday March 8th, 2017 / 03:32 PM

      Ja absolut

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