The weather actually is wonderful, it invites you to stay at the lake or in the park. Why not organize a summer picnic? I love to picnic in the summer, so I will share some valuable tips with you.
The right equipment
For a successful picnic you need the right equipment, so the whole activity also makes much more fun. In addition to a picnic blanket, the picnic basket is an essential which not only looks pretty but also is super practical. My picnic basket by Depot even has an integrated cooler and cutlery & plates for 4 people.
Family picnic or romantic idyll?
You have to to choose the right place for your picnic. For a family picnic, a lively park or beach at the lake is the right choice. But if you want some romance these places are probably not suitable.
Preparation or spontaneity?
A prepared picnic has the advantage that you can get all the necessary food and drinks in peace before. However, spontaneity will often win, because imagine it’s early morning you look out of the window and see the beautiful weather. What’s better than a trip to the lake?
The right food
When selecting the food, you should care about that the taken food is not too easily perishable. Because even with a cooling bag and co. not all food can be kept fresh for a long time. As it is super warm in the summer anyway fruits and / or vegetables cake’s are very good and taste delicious. Also cut vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, pepper and co. are a good choice. Like all kinds of fruits. For the apero, chips and salt bars can not be missed.
The accompaniment
Last but not least, a picnic is fun only with the right accompaniment. Whether friends, your family or a partner, a picnic should be a cozy gathering in the outside.
The Trend Factor
Ok, as a lifestyle blogger and Instagramfan, I always like the current living trends. Therefore, I could not resist to these cool drinking glasses.
The outfit
Last but not least, you have to choose the right outfit, depending on whether it is a casual picnic with friends, a family trip or a romantic get-together. I chose an airy outfit with comfortable shoes.
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*Sponsored Post by Depot
Picknick ist ja eine tolle Idee! Das könnte ich tatsächlich mal machen :-*
viele liebe Grüße
Melanie /
Gibt auch gar nicht viel zu tun 🙂
Toller Beitrag 🙂 Ich liebe picknicken 🙂
Liebe Grüße, Feli von
Danke dir 🙂 Ja ich auch.
So ein Piknik ist doch was Feines.
Liebe Grüße!
Ja finde ich auch 🙂
Ich liebe es, bei schönem Wetter mit Freunden zu picknicken, ist doch wirklich klasse. ♥
Liebst Elisabeth-Amalie von Im Blick zurück entstehen die Dinge
Ja finde ich auch.
Hallo meine Liebe,
das sind ja traumhafte Bilder und Tipps für das perfekte Picknick im Sommer- sehr hübsch :-*
Ganz liebe Grüße
Danke dir 🙂