I Organized my home in an easy way

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Brother P Touch


Keep organized – this wisdom was one of my mother’s favorite sayings. And today I have to agree with her here. In a neat environment you just feel better. While the weather is getting more autumnal and the days colder, I finally have more time to put the home in order. So I used yesterday to set up new shelves in my office and organize my things. My label printer from Brother, was also used, so I labeled my storage boxes to find the right things quickly and easily in the future. Also, I have some shelves labeled to make it easier for me to keep order.


Brother P Touch


Incidentally, I also like it neat in the kitchen, especially the hygienic storage of food is very important to me. Since I like to cook and bake, I need many different ingredients. From various cereal flakes to nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and more, everything must be airtight and safely stowed away. In order to avoid confusion – especially when my boyfriend is swinging the wooden spoon, a labeling of the cooking ingredients is inevitable.


Brother P Touch


herefore, I fill all food that will be used in the long term in suitable storage containers and glasses. So that there is no confusion, I label the respective containers with the name of the content. The lettering is done with the Brother P-Touch Etikettendrucker, which I have been using for years. The operation of the label printer is super easy. Thanks to the various accessory bands, the labels can be individually and variably designed.



Labeling also gives me a lot of fun, not only the result of an orderly environment – but also the process itself. With regard to the coming holidays, I have also bought textile ribbons, so I will pack my Christmas cookies personalized in the future and with a pretty bow Provided. This also goes with the label printer from Brother.


Brother P Touch



    • Monday October 22nd, 2018 / 08:36 PM

      I think it really helps to feel comftable at home, when the home is well organized.

  1. Monday October 22nd, 2018 / 03:34 PM

    ja ich finde auch das Ordnung sein muss. Allerdings liebe ich auch ab und zu mein Chaos.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start in die Woche.

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