Fun on the go with the Nintendo Switch Lite

in collaboration with Nintendo



Since I got the Nintendo Switch at home, I’ve been in a regular gaming fever – especially during the Corona period, I had a lot of fun playing. In the meantime, I’m on the road again more often, so I tested the Nintendo Switch Lite. I was also allowed to try out the new game Animal Crossing New Horizons for you. But most of all I’m happy that I can give away such a set consisting of the Nintendo Switch Lite and Animal Crossing to one of you.


Nintendo Switch Lite


The Nintendo Switch Lite is the game console for on the road, now available in the colour Coral. The Switch Lite is lighter than the Nintendo Switch and has an integrated control unit, so it can be taken everywhere without any problems. On the Nintendo Switch Lite you can play all Nintendo Switch games that support handheld mode. Whether I’m on public transport or just want to pass the time having fun somewhere else, the Nintendo Switch Lite is now always with me. Apart from the handheld mode, the operation is the same as with the Nintendo Switch.

Since Nintendo Switch Lite is a game console designed specifically for handheld gaming, it doesn’t support playback on TV.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing has been a game for me for years, which guarantees good mood. The cute villagers and animals guaranteed fun. I especially like the game, because you can create a small world on the new island for yourself, the way you like it. You always find new animal friends while building your own piece of land. So the game does not become boring. It is suitable for large and small and really only gives off positive vibes.





Ihr möchtet eure eigene Nintendo Switch Lite und das süsse Animal Crossing: New Horizons gewinnen? Dann packt eure Want to win your own Nintendo Switch Lite and the sweet Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Then grab your chance and enter my competition. You can enter the competition here via the competition form. Then you can enter as many times as you like on Instagram to increase your chances of winning. I wish you all good luck.





Teilnahmebedingungen: Teilnahme bis 8.6.2020 um 24:00 Uhr. Die Gewinnerin wird hier auf Instagram bekanntgegeben. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle natürlichen Personen ab 18 Jahren, mit Wohnsitz in der CH. Das Gewinnspiel steht nicht im Zusammenhang mit Facebook oder Instagram. Über das Gewinnspiel wird keine Korrespondenz geführt. Der Gewinner/die Gewinnerin wird per direkt Nachricht oder E-Mail kontaktiert.  Barauszahlung ist ausgeschlossen. Versand des Gewinns durch Nintendo



  1. Saturday June 6th, 2020 / 07:52 PM

    Einen Nintendo hatte ich auch mal :).
    Liebe Wochenendgrüße!

    • Sunday June 7th, 2020 / 06:39 PM


  2. Diana
    Sunday June 7th, 2020 / 08:03 PM

    Vielen Dank für die Gewinnchance..

    Kann mich noch gut an die Jugend mit Gameboy und Nintendo erinern.
    Schöne erinnerungen