Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin SS 2017 – day 1

Hello Lovelies

Today I want to like to share my 1st day at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin SS 2017 over Fashion Blogger Café to showroom everything was everything there. There was so much to do here in Berlin that I haven’t got the time to tell you earlier about it. ^^

The fashion inspiration from the runway show’s can be found in the chapter in Runway soon 😉

Fashion Blogger Café The Original by Styleranking

Hardly landed in Berlin we went to Bikini Berlin to LNFA Concept Store for the annual Fashion Blogger Café.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 2-min

The cool atmosphere of LNFA Concept Stores gaves the whole event that certain something.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 5-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe 6-min

Even an extremely stylish DJ belonged naturally to the Framework Programme.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 7-min

If anyone (enough) had not yet made up, this could make up at Yves Rocher with professional guidance.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 8-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe 9-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe 10-min

Very modern, bold and crisp presentations also by the Brands.


Fashion Blogger Cafe 11-min

No I was not in a bad mood, but a lil bit exhausted from the journey, but these little fatigue symptoms disappeared quickly from the scene.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 12-min

Ecco produced right before our eyes.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 4-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe 3-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe

Not only fashion but also culinary we were spoiled.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 13-min


Fashion Blogger Cafe 14-min

A great goodiebag also haven’t been missed.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 16-min



You can learn more about these shoes soon on my blog, betrayed is already that there is a fire, which would like to give the sea and beach.
Fashion Blogger Cafe 17-min

Contained in the goodiebag was the Beauty Box QVC, is there:

  • Elemis, Pro-Collagein Marine Cream
  • alessandro, pedix med, Foot Gel
  • Ayres Body Butter, Patagonia
  • Beautytuch von Badizio Beauty
  • James Read, Overnight Tan Maske
  • Laura Geller, Baked Balance, Brighten Foundation
  • Prai, Ageless, Creme für Hals & Dekolleté
  • Face D 3-Luronics Instant Hydrating Anti-Aging Mask

Fashion Blogger Cafe 18-min

In sweet bag of Yves Rocher related products were included:

  • YR Pure Light Cushion Foundation
  • YR Radiant lip crayon in den Farben: Mauve tendre und Rouge bordeaux
  • YR SOS Retouche
  • YR Nagellacke in Rose Dalhia, Bleu Nigelle
  • YR Mascara Sexy Pulp

Fashion Blogger Cafe 15-min

You see, as I beam back over heels ^^

Mercedes Benz am Erika-Hess-Eisstadion

The second stop was Mercedes Benz itself, because that is where fashion shows take place. I had the time being my press card to pick up and still got a great goodiebag it.
Mercedes Benz Fashionweek ss17

There lurked already some photographers on prominent faces and cavorting models, fashion fans and of course bloggers on the site.
Mercedes Benz Fashionweek

Press card together goodiebag were concerned quickly.
Fashion Week Berlin

There were also very great surprises:

  • Essie nail polish, aperitif
  • Mythic Oil Shampoo
  • silver bracelet by Mastercard “priceless”
  • Maybelline Master Precise Curvy
  • Maybelline the false Push-Drama
  • u.v.m.

Show Room and Rooftop Party by Vero Moda

After an exciting day it went to the showroom of Vero Mode with simultaneous Rooftop Party over the rooftops of Berlin. A highlight in the evening so.
Fashion Week day 10-min


Fashion Week day 11-min


Fashion Week day 8-min


Fashion Week day 9-min


Fashion Week day 7-min


Fashion Week day 12-min


Fashion Week day 17-min

Really very nice parts, whether. For the office, leisure or party at night The shoes go from comfortable to extravagant. Stay tuned for the upcoming collection.
vero moda

Already pretty exhausted by this eventful day I let me not take to pose even before the wall ^^

Before the day over the rooftops of Berlin left slowly.

Fashion Week day 15-min


Fashion Week day 14-min



  1. Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 10:09 AM

    Wow, coole Eindrücke. Danke für’s Teilen 🙂

    • Sunday July 3rd, 2016 / 10:27 PM

      Bald kommen noch welche dazu 🙂

  2. Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 05:27 PM

    Sehr schöne Eindrücke. War sicherlich super spannend.
    Viele Grüße

    • Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 07:52 PM

      Ja absolut, bald kommen noch mehr tolle Eindrücke. Liebe Grüsse

  3. testandtry
    Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 06:58 PM

    Oh tolles Event! Da wäre ich auch gern dabei gewesen 😉 LG

    • Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 07:53 PM

      Ja war wirklich toll. Liebe Grüsse

  4. Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 06:24 PM

    Wow, scheint ein toller Tag gewesen zu sein. Und das FBC war wohl besser als ds vom letzte mal, da war ich nämlich etwas enttäuscht.

    Liebe Grüße,

    • Sunday July 3rd, 2016 / 10:29 PM

      Ich bin gar nicht so lange geblieben beim FBC da ich noch einchecken gehen musste ^^ Es war nur etwas seltsam da ich niemanden kannte und das sonst jeweils anders ist, hier in der Schweiz kenne ich meistens jemanden. Liebe Grüsse

    • Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 07:52 PM

      Thanks doll

  5. Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 11:34 PM

    Wow das war bestimmt ein tolles Erlebnis. Toller Beitrag und super Bilder.
    Liebe Grüsse Dana 🙂

    • Thursday June 30th, 2016 / 11:35 PM

      Ja liebe Dana, morgen gibt’s dann wieder Beauty. Danach muss ich euch ein paar tolle Dinge zeigen, die ich entdeckt habe ^^ Liebe Grüsse Hübsche

  6. Monday July 4th, 2016 / 05:40 PM

    Danke für deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog 🙂 Wirklich ein paar tolle Eindrücke, freue mich schon auf die nächsten Posts!

    lg Lynnychen

    • Monday July 4th, 2016 / 06:00 PM

      Ja werde heute daran weiterarbeiten 🙂 mlg

  7. Tuesday July 5th, 2016 / 12:00 PM

    Wie cool, dass du auf der Fashionweek warsz und krasse Goodie-Bags, die hätte ich auch gerne:D Liebe Grüße, Leonie von

    • Tuesday July 5th, 2016 / 12:29 PM

      Ja es war eine tolle Erfahrung, insbesondere auch die Messen, bald zeige ich euch noch ein paar tolle Marken und Fashiongadgets, die noch nicht jeder kennt 🙂 Liebe Grüsse

    • Thursday July 7th, 2016 / 11:57 AM

      Ja es war wirklich toll. Heute geht mein nächster Beitrag online, es geht um die Fashion-Messen und um neue kleine Brands, welche ich dort entdeckt habe. Liebe Grüsse

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