MB Fashionweek Berlin: The Fashion Fairs – part 1: Premium, Fashiontech, Show & Order

Modemessen Berliner Fashionweek Teil 1

The Fashion Week Berlin has ended nearly a week ago. But I still have quite a lot of impressions in store for you. Today I want to show you which fashion fairs there are during Fashion Week  and of course great new brands that I have seen there.

Premium Fashion Trade Show

In it’s 28th season the PREMIUM exhibition opened from 28 until 30 June 2016 with a carefully compiled portfolio of almost 1,000 brands and approximately 1,800 collections on the 33,000 m2 site of STATION-Berlin. I am happy to share with you my impressions to the Premium Fashion Trade Show.

The Premium fashion fair is one of the two big fairs during the Berlin Fashion Week, the same group also includes some smaller fairs, which I will introduce you some more in part 2 of my review. To find there are many already well-known brands as well as new small brands. In particular, these new lesser known brands I want to introduce you today.


Premium 1 Jyoung-min
Handmade jewelry, only available here: www.madebyjyoung.com


Premium 2 EENK-min
jewelery and accessoires by Hyemee Lee: www.eenk.co.kr


Premium 3 the gobo-min
jewelery by Go Bo Ram “The Gobo” : www.thegobo-store.com

The first thing I noticed on the premium was a small corner, there have been three Korean designers. While one relies on geometric shapes of the other collection is very modern and again kept very simple. See above the three special collections.


Premium 4 POP-min


Next, I had to view these shoes closer. The shoe label POP comes from Canada and has fancy LED sneakers. The LEDs in flashing mode can be kept in stand mode, or turned off. The special thing about it, the shoes can be recharged via a USB cable, so ran to the laptop to cool shoe. Available currently only in the online store at http://www.mypopshoes.com.


Premium 5 Julia June-min


Very inspiring I found the fashion of Julia June, current and very trendy. Their motto: EDGY. FEMININE. NAUGHTY. ROMANTIC. Also more of them, visit online at https://juliajune.com.


Premium Antoinette-min


Enchants with colorful butterflies made me the label Antoinette from Grünwald Germany. Feminine simple fashion inspired by butterflies, more on http://www.antoinette-fashion.com.


Premium Emmett-min


The label Emmett has a stylish and elegant fashion prescribed, with selected materials. Do they have convinced with this wonderful pretty dress. More of Emmett (Germany) under http://www.emmett.de.


Premium Seulement en detail-min


The label “Seulement en detail” thrilled me with beautiful collars, yes collar, chic and convenient alternative to the blouse that makes any outfit into something special. More to find here https://www.seulementendetail.com.


Premium Floramazona-min


Unique jewelry “wow factor” I found the Colombian label Flor Amazon. More of this great jewelry can be found at  http://www.floramazona.com.


Premium Glamorous-min


Elegant and glamorous fashion, there are also at GLAMOROUS, the British label adheres to feminine color and materials. More under http://www.glamorous.com.


Premium Sorbet-min


Young, fresh and cheeky presents the jewelery label sorbet. Bright colors and the packaging of the bracelets in test tubes. They also make a great gift idea. More about sorbet under http://www.sorbetbracelets.com.


Fashiontech Steve Madden-min


We still relatively unknown, a cult following in the US, has the shoe and accessories brand Steve Madden. Again more on http://www.stevemadden.com.


These brands I choosed personally, as they approached me, I get nothing in return for this post. Here are a few more impressions of the Premium fashion fair:


Premium div. 2-min


Premium div. 3-min


Premium div-min



Fashiontech Berlin

The Fashiontech is the platform which brings fashion together with technology. Here is the wave of the future, with materials of the future, using innovative methods.


FAshiontech 6-min


Futuristic Fashion at its best, which seems to us today rather strange, could be a hyped fashion trend in the future.


Fashiontech 7-min


A little less futuristic, this designer was inspired by the world of stars.

Fashiontech 8-min


Also new materials are used for the wave of the future.

Fashiontech 4-min


These garments are not only galactic, indeed they are, because in the future our clothes will reflect our feelings.


Fashiontech 3-min


A fashion producer of the future: The 3D printers already be so printed materials or manufactured jewelry.




Fashion Fusion

At the Fashiontech the Fashion Fusion by German Telekom was presented too.

Fashiontech 1-min

High-tech and fashion merge into intelligent clothing – in this context the German Telekom has launched the “Fashion Fusion” initiative. Towards the digital lifestyle brand, the company wants to promote innovation in the fashion of tomorrow. Next to this the Telekom writes in hand with prestigious partners, “Fashion Fusion Challenge” from: As part of the international ideas competition young talents from Europe get a unique opportunity with the help of experts from industry, fashion industry and startup scene their visionary concepts for high-tech realizing clothing, wearables or digital lifestyle products and to make them marketable.

What should that mean? Voilà:

Fashiontech 2-min


In addition to the use of new materials such as Fiber (you know certainly of Internet lines), I was fascinated by this dress with wings. The dress itself was printed at the neckline with a 3D printer. The wings beat after beat of the model because it responds to a button as a heart rate monitor in the ear on the pulse move the wings.



Show & Order

Our next stop I made on the show & Order, which took place from 27 to 29 June 2016. This was again a more typical fair where to discover a few great brands.


Show & Order-min

On this smaller exhibition, which also belongs to the Premium group, the news of the fashion labels were presented on two floors. At the end there was also a small exhibition sale.


Show & Order Korklink-min


All of you have probably already heard, that the designers have discovered cork as a new raw material for all kinds of fashion. I particularly enjoyed the collection of Love in Cork from Portugal http://www.loveincork.com.


Show & Order Lili Ampela-min


Very like me have the handbags of Lili Ampela, which are made by hand from raffia. This label comes from Madagascar, more here http://www.liliampela.com.


I hope you enjoyed the first part of my exhibition Retrospect during Berlin Fashion Week like and you could also discover a thing or two for you.

Which brand do you like best?




    • Thursday July 7th, 2016 / 08:49 PM

      Yes, it was really great <3

  1. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 04:33 AM


  2. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:29 AM

    Guten Morgen Flowery, ich bin ja so ein Schmuckfreund. Und bei den Bildern leuchten meine Augen. Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüße Jana von Magische Farbwelt

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 07:00 AM

      Es war ein Paradies für Schmuckfans jeder Art, dies zeigt ja nur eine kleine Auswahl dieser Hallen voller Schmuck. Liebe Grüsse

  3. Sallystiffany
    Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:40 AM

    Wirklich guter Blogeintrag 🙂
    Die Bilder sind klasse geworden.
    Bei Steve madden hab ich auch schon 1 – 2 teile entdeckt die auf meiner Liste stehen :))

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:53 AM

      Ja die haben wirklich tolle Modelle im Angebot. Dankeschön, obwohl das Licht mir oftmals nicht so gefallen hat ^^

  4. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:09 AM

    Ein sehr schöner Beitrag!

    Und ganz lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar und das folgen 🙂
    Ich folge dir gerne zurück via Bloglovin.

    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine von http://www.lilyfields.de

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:10 AM

      Vielen Dank 🙂 Ich freue mich auf weitere Artikel von dir. Liebe Grüsse

  5. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:23 AM

    These look amazing, love the steve madden booth!

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 08:25 AM

      Thank you for visit 🙂 They’re a blast.

  6. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 09:23 AM

    Herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog.
    In diesem Jahr finde ich es besonders schön, dass so viele Bloggerinnen nicht nur über das was sie auf den Schauen gesehen haben berichten, sondern auch über das ganze drum herum, die Bloggercafés usw. Seit dem ich in München nicht mehr zum Ordern auf die Modewoche gehe, bekomme ich da nicht mehr wirklich viel echten Input.
    Ich überlege grade, ob ich nicht im nächsten Sommer doch mal nach Berlin fahre.
    VG Sunny

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 09:27 AM

      Liebe Sunny ja einige gehen wohl aber gar nicht auf die Messen, ich finde gerade dort entdeckt man neues, nicht nur auf den Laufstegen. Am Wochenendr werde ich noch meinen Bericht über die weiteren Messen veröffentlichen 🙂

      Liebe Grüsse

  7. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 09:27 AM

    Richtig tolle Bilder! Ich folge dir auch sehr gerne über Bloglovin. 🙂
    <3 michelle // covered in copper

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 09:28 AM

      Vielen Dank 🙂

  8. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 10:19 AM

    Ich bin auch total gespannt 😀 Endlich mal rangetraut sie zu kaufen *lach*.

    Tolle Bilder =) Sieht nach einer tollen Zeit aus.
    Irgendwann möchte ich auch mal zur MBFW xD Steht groß auf meiner To Do Liste.
    Liebe Grüße

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 10:25 AM

      Ja machst du eine Review? 😀 war toll aber eine absolute Reizüberflutung. Liebe Grüsse

  9. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 10:37 AM

    Der Schmuck schaut wirklich toll aus. Die futuristische Mode finde ich ja echt anders…
    LG Anna

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 10:41 AM

      Haha ja ich fand es super interessant, alltagstauglich ist es wohl (noch) nicht. Liebe Grüsse

  10. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 11:18 AM

    Danke für die Eindrücke. Das war bestimmt spannend. Kork bekommt man in allen Varianten auch in Portugal. Teilweise sehr hübsche Taschen und Portemonais und so weiter.

    Liebe Grüße Sabine

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 11:20 AM

      Da bin ich mir sicher. Liebe Grüsse

  11. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 11:40 AM

    Danke für die tollen Einblicke.
    Julia June hat es mir ganz besonders angetan!

    Ganz liebe Grüße

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 11:41 AM

      Schön, dass es dir gefällt 🙂 Ja die Teile sind super hübsch und perfekt auch für jeden Tag. Liebe Grüsse

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 12:13 PM

      Thanks 🙂 Great that you find some new brands. xoxo

  12. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 12:56 PM

    Irgendwie musste ich gerade zweimal überlegen, ob ich den Beitrag schon kommentiert habe oder nicht (Alzheimer). Trotzdem nochmal an dieser Stelle: Danke für den ausführlichen Beitrag, – viele Teile sehen verlockend gut aus (das Kleid vom Label Antoinette z.B.), auch der Schmuck ist teils wirklich schön (besonders der von Flor Amazon).

    LG Lynnychen

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 12:59 PM

      Haha, kann passieren 🙂 Bittesehr, es freut mich, dass er dir gefällt. Bald kommt Teil 2. Ja Flor Amazon ist der Hammer. Liebe Grüsse

  13. LoveT.
    Friday July 8th, 2016 / 04:13 PM

    Hallo! Einen tollen Artikel zur Fashion Week hast du da geschrieben. Die Fotos geben einen schönen Überblick, da sind großartige Sachen und Labels dabei. Der Schmuck von Flor Amazon sticht da nochmal heraus mit den sommerlichen Farben und Designs 🙂
    Dankeschön für deinen Besuch bei mir, viele liebe Grüße <3

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 04:19 PM

      Vielen Dank 🙂 Ja leider kostet der soviel ? Liebe Grüsse

  14. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 04:43 PM

    Tolle Impressionen – ganz besonders mag ich den Schmuck 🙂
    Liebe Grüße, Fiona THEDASHINGRIDER.com

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 04:45 PM

      Das scheint bei allen der Fall zu sein ? Liebe Grüsse

  15. Pamela
    Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:54 PM

    Love your blog. I am now following along. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:55 PM

      Thank you ?

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:40 PM

      Schön, dass dir meine Auswahl gefällt 🙂 Liebe Grüsse

  16. Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:46 PM

    Very interesting post, my personal favourite THE COLLARS:)

    • Friday July 8th, 2016 / 05:55 PM

      Are’nt they great ?

  17. Christina
    Sunday July 10th, 2016 / 06:43 PM

    Keine Frage, ich bin neidisch!
    Wahnsinnig tolle Fotos, die machen Lust auf mehr!
    Lieben Dank für dein Kommentar auf meinem Blog!
    Alles Liebe 🙂

    • Sunday July 10th, 2016 / 06:45 PM

      Kein Ding 🙂 Danke für deinen Besuch. Nächste Woche geht der 2. Teil online zu den Messen. Liebe Grüsse

  18. Monday July 11th, 2016 / 09:42 AM

    Seems like it was an amazing event 🙂

    • Wednesday July 13th, 2016 / 08:36 AM

      it was 🙂

  19. Monday July 11th, 2016 / 02:25 PM

    Love reading your post!!! I really love the theme of the mannequin: Edgy, Feminine, Naughty, romantic! I also love the LED sneakers and futuristic trend!!! I love each and every photos you posted 🙂
    Fabia from A Fashionholic’s Life

    • Monday July 11th, 2016 / 02:28 PM

      Thank you so much 🙂 xoxo

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