My City Trip to Cologne

Three weeks ago, I was in Cologne, primarily on the occasion of the Beautypress Info Day at Flora Cologne. But I afterwards I did some sightseeing and of course I went shopping too.


köln travel

Sightseeing in Cologne


Equipped with a city map I went on a small Sightseeingtour. This can be done by foot easily, as most of the sights are not far away from each other. First I had a look at the Cologne “Dom” Cathedral, a really imposing building with incredibly filigree details.


köln travel dom



Right next to the cathedral there are also some high class shopping spots.


köln travel dom


In Cologne, there are many other churches which are also worth seeing.


köln travel dom


If you will be in Cologne you should definitely go to the Rheinpromenade. I like the look of these completely different houses in a row. If the weather is nice, you can have a coffee or ice cream here and enjoy life.


köln travel Rhein


Always a good idea is a boat trip on the Rhein, I unfortunately had no time for it.


köln travel römerturm


This tower is part of the former Cologne city wall from the 2nd / 3rd century, which once comprised 19 towers.


köln travel flora


Also worth seeing is the flora in Cologne, already the building is really wonderful and certainly in summer also the garden.


köln travel flora


There are still some historic buildings to discover in Cologne. Like the ruins of the 12th century church of St. Alban, which was destroyed in the Second World War.


köln travel st. alban


A very impressive place.


köln travel st. alban




Cologne is a great shopping city, because there are really many great shops and shopping centers. Amongst others, there is a NYX store. There are also many alleys with restaurants or smaller shops.


köln travel hardrock cafe


Also worth a visit is the Hardrock Cafe in Cologne, which was just around the corner from my hotel. I would really recommend you to choose a hotel in the city center.


Surprised by this wall with the almost perfectly placed bike I had to capture it photographically.


köln travel


I will be back in Cologne soon, but this time I would be happy to have nice and sunny weather 🙂


Have you ever been to Cologne or do you live there?



  1. Thursday April 13th, 2017 / 09:02 PM

    Ich lebe seit mittlerweile fast 15 Jahren in Köln und finde, dass es immer wieder tolle Sachen zu entdecken gibt. So habe ich mich sehr gefreut, im Rahmen des Beautypress-Events mal die Flora von innen bewundern zu können. In Sachen Shopping kann ich noch Ehrenfeld empfehlen. Viele kleine Läden und der vielgelobte Salon 2 sind da zu finden.

    LG Michaela

    • Thursday April 13th, 2017 / 09:43 PM

      Liebe Michaela

      Ja Köln ist im Vergleich zu meiner Heimatstadt schon fast riesig ^^ Oh da muss ich das nächste Mal auch hin.

      Lg Priscilla

  2. Friday April 14th, 2017 / 12:23 AM

    Ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich fand Köln irgendwie unübersichtlich 😀
    Schöneres Wetter wäre aber wirklich wünschenswert gewesen.

    • Friday April 14th, 2017 / 10:11 AM

      Ja Köln ist schon ziemlich gross, ich habe mich aber wie gesagt vor allem im Zentrum aufgehalten ^^ Ja, war so schade dieses Regenwetter.

  3. Friday April 14th, 2017 / 10:50 AM

    Liebe Priscilla

    Das sind so schöne Eindrücke, danke Dir fürs mitnehmen!

    Ich liebe solche Berichte!

    Hab einen schönen Karfreitag!

    xoxo Jacqueline
    My Blog – HOKIS

    • Friday April 14th, 2017 / 03:23 PM

      Danke dir liebe Jacqueline

      Dir auch einen tollen Karfreitag

    • Friday April 14th, 2017 / 04:03 PM

      Thank you

  4. Friday April 14th, 2017 / 05:32 PM

    Es ist immer schön Bilder von meiner früheren Heimat zu sehen! Freut mich, dass dir die Altstadt so gut gefallen hat. Im Sommer ist es am Rhein wirklich schön.
    Liebe Grüße,
    Christina ♥

    • Friday April 14th, 2017 / 05:36 PM

      Das kann ich mir gut vorstellen 🙂 Zum Glück bin ich im Juli wieder da.

  5. Friday April 14th, 2017 / 07:29 PM

    Eine wunderschöne Stadt!
    Liebe Grüße!

    • Saturday April 15th, 2017 / 01:23 PM

      Ja wirklich 😀

  6. Saturday April 15th, 2017 / 12:50 AM

    Witzig die eigene Heimat mal aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu sehen! ? Ich wohne hier jetzt schon ein paar Jahre und finde die Stadt immer noch super! Es gibt einfach so viel zu entdecken!

    Liebe Grüße,
    Eleonora von from the outset // personal lifestyle blog

    • Saturday April 15th, 2017 / 10:00 PM

      Ja bin schon gespannt, was ich das nächste Mal entdecke.

  7. Saturday April 15th, 2017 / 06:25 PM

    Such a nice city, I must admit Cologne reminds me a lot of Stettin – the architecture and the amount of green spaces and water + bridges in both is so similar 🙂

    • Saturday April 15th, 2017 / 10:01 PM

      Never was in Stettin, but sounds great too.

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