Monthly favorites in September “Natural cosmetics”

Since four weeks now I introduce you my favorites of the month on every Monday. Today I will show you my natural cosmetics favorites of the month of September.


Naturkosmetik favoriten September


Four products of body care, nail care and makeup have managed it to convince me this time, why I tell you now.


Make-up: Annemarie Börlind – loose powder with hyaluronic acid


Annemarie Börlind - Loser Puder mit Hyaluronsäure


Annemarie Börlind’s loose powder with hyaluronic acid has a wonderfully powdery consistency. The powder is very gentle to the skin and feels light on the skin. It contains tiny silica beads, which are filled with moisturizing hyaluronic acid and gradually release them to the skin. The matting effect is good, but must be re-powdered depending on the skin type. Great I find the idea with the hyaluronic acid, after all, we carry the powder all day on the skin. Especially the fragrance of the powder convinced me, he smells wonderfully flowery.


Body care: Dr. Hauschka – Rose bath essence


Dr. Hauschka - Rosen Bad


The autumn weather has already brought us the first cold-wet days. On such days I love to relax with a nice bath at home. From now on with the enchanting smell of the rose bath essence by Dr. Hauschka. With 1 -3 caps, the local bathtub is turning into a mini-spa. An intense fragrance is very important to me for taking a bath. The rose bath smells very intensively of roses and is also gentle to the skin. Therefore, this bath-milk is definitely made it to my bathing collection.


Body Care: Similasan – Nourishing shower gel


Similasan - Pflegende Duschcreme


Similasan is a natural cosmetics brand from Switzerland, it is also NATRUE certified. In the upcoming cold season it is important to ensure that care products do not dry out the skin. This shower gel by Similasan contains Inca-Inchi oil which is pH-neutral and relieves stress emotions. It does not dry out the skin when showering, the skin feels well after the shower. The shower cream smells sweet and reminds me of grapes.


Nagelpflege: Dr. Hauschka – nail oil pencil


Dr. Hauschka - Nagelölstift


Nail oil first of all I knew until now packaged like a nail polish. Dr. Hauschka now created the nail oil care stick. The oil can be applied super easy with the pencil, especially great for the skin directly around the nail. It’s not necessarily to oily the entire nail. In addition, the nail oil can be dosed easily. Also included are three spare tips for the nail oil pen. The nail oil smells of essential oils and herbs.


Do you knew these products already?





  1. Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 08:28 AM

    Das Puder von Annemarie Börlind mag ich auch sehr. Ich finde, das trocknet die Haut nicht so aus, wie andere.

    LG Michaela

    • Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 12:49 PM

      Hallo Michaela, ja genau empfinde ich auch so. Muss am Hyaluron liegen 🙂

  2. Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 12:12 PM

    Ich liebe die Gesichtspflege-Produkte von Dr. Hauschka und kann sie mir aus meiner Routine nicht mehr wegdenken. Aber das Nagelöl kannte ich noch nicht! Klingt interessant, könnte ich mir auch mal anschauen 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,
    Esra von

    • Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 12:51 PM

      Ja das Nagelöl ist vor allem super praktisch zum Auftragen, gerade eben auch wenn es um die Nagelhaut geht. Sogar im Büro kurz auftragen und fertig.

  3. Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 01:25 PM

    Hallo meine Liebe,

    das sind ja wundervolle Produkte. Das Nagelöl muss ich mir auch holen, da meine Nagelhaut oft sehr trocken ist.
    Hab einen schönen Tag

    • Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 09:01 PM

      Es ist vor allem super praktisch zum Mitnehmen.

  4. Tuesday September 26th, 2017 / 03:52 PM

    Das lose Puder finde ich sehr interessant.
    Liebe Grüße an dich!

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