e.l.f. Cosmetics: bestsellers tested

Some years ago I discovered e.l.f. cosmetics and I am until then a huge fan of their eyebrows Kit, for years I ordered it again. So I was very happy when I had the opportunity to select some bestseller products to test.


e.l.f. cosmetics


e.l.f. 12er Make-up Pinselset

“The complete and professional makeup brush set for almost all cosmetic applications! A” must have “for a reasonable price.” (Source: Eyes Lips Face)


The set includes:
1 Kaschierungs Brush, 1 powder brush, 1 eyeliner brush, 1 eye-shadow brush, 1 primer brush, 1 3-in-1 Precision Brush, 1 eyelid and eyebrow brush, 1 eye make up brushes, 1 eyelash and brow brush, 1 lip brush, 1 Smoky Eye look sponge, 1 brow comb & brow brush


As you probably can see in the photo above, the brushes are all packed separately and partially supplied with hair cap. Each brush is lettered with her task, so no confusion is possible. In addition, on the back of the brush you can find again a “instruction manual“. This is very helpful.


The brushes are comfortable to use, not prick and can be cleaned easily. For this I am using for years the Eyes Lips Face Brush Shampoo. My favorite brush is the eyelid and eyebrow brush, it is wonderful to apply eyeshadow.


e.l.f. pinsel


Conclusion: The hair hold well and are comfortable to wear, the brushes are all written with the specific purpose and the whole set costs CHF 29.95, on average CHF 2.50 per brush.


e.l.f. – Anti-Poren Face Primer


e.l.f. Anti-Poren Face Primer


“This primer has won a Beauty Award in the United States for Best Primer!
It reduces enlarged pores, fine wrinkles and matt skin. The skin gets a taut and matte look. Thanks Tea Tree, vitamins A and E regenerated and protects the base the skin against aging. This primer makes you a flawless skin for the whole day. The makeup will last longer and the skin stays matte all day “. (Source: Eyes Lips Face)


Those like me who aren’t blessed with a flawless, angelic skin, will surely know the problem, but with primers we can get this skin yet. For special occasions I like to use it. In everyday life it hands me a light make-up. I had therefore already tested various primers, for example, L’Oréal or Benefit. Here, the Eyes Lips Face pore minimizer classifies itself in good company, I am very happy with the result.


Cream Eyeliner – black


Cream Eyeliner - Lidstrich


“The precise and creamy eyeliner for a soft, smooth lines! The gentle studio formula is smudge and waterproof. Lasts all day and even absorbs sweat and tears!” (Source: Eyes Lips Face)




I’m always more the type eyeliner pencil, so it was time to try a cream eyeliner. Preliminary, after this photo I took a shower and the cream eyeliner survived it, to my own surprise very well. Also during the subsequent test on the eyelids he appeared strong. Only the supplied brush could not convince me, the hairs are too hard for me. So I took the one of the brush set above.


This Cream Eyeliner is available in many other shades for CHF 6.95.


Now something very crucial, all the products of e.l.f are 100% vegan and are not tested on animals either.


Do you know Eyes Lips Face and their products already?






  1. Mimmy
    Friday September 30th, 2016 / 04:30 PM

    Ich habe bis jetzt von den e.l.f Produkten nur gutes gehört aber noch nie etwas getestet.
    Der Cream Eyeliner hört sich gut an :).

    Liebe Grüße & ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag

    • Saturday October 1st, 2016 / 05:17 PM

      Ja, ich hab die mal entdeckt vor 5-6 Jahren aber dann meistens einfach die altbewährten Produkte wieder nachbestellt, jetzt mal andere getestet 🙂

  2. Saturday October 1st, 2016 / 12:27 PM

    Elf Cosmetics kenne ich auch von einer australischen Youtuberin und die schwärmt auch total von der Marke, leider kann man die meisten Produkte die sie verwendet nicht in deutschen Online-Shops kaufen.
    Das Pinselset macht einen guten Eindruck und hört sich preislich auch total interessant an 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,
    Miri von Mary Reckless

    • Saturday October 1st, 2016 / 05:46 PM

      Hmm ok, wie heisst denn die Youtuberin? 🙂 Liebe Grüsse

  3. Sunday October 2nd, 2016 / 09:48 AM

    Wow! Ich kenne die Produkte noch gar nicht!

    Danke Dir für den hilfreichen Bericht, den Primer muss ich mir mal ansehen! ;oD

    xoxo Jacqueline
    Mein Bog – HOKIS

    • Sunday October 2nd, 2016 / 11:50 AM

      Echt? Ja mal wieder etwas Neues ^^ Liebe Grüsse

  4. Monday October 3rd, 2016 / 03:14 PM

    I’ve heard great things about the e.l.f. eyeliner pot – might grab one when my Maybelline gel pot runs out. I also have a few of their brushes and they are great quality, especially since they are so affordable!

    Angela / Blush & Pearls

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