My experience with the Daysy 2.0 Cyclustracker




Earlier this year, I received an inquiry from Daysy to test their Cyclustracker. Without thinking twice I accepted. Because Daysy is an intelligent cycle computer with which you can get to know your own individual cycle. Daysy knows when a woman is fertile and when not. Since I have been using Daysy for several months now, I would like to introduce Daysy to you in more detail and tell you about my experiences.


About Daysy


Daysy is an effective and scientifically supported method, with which the fertile phases can be reliably and accurately distinguished from the infertile days on the basis of sensitive basal body temperature measurement. Within 60 seconds, Daysy shows you the status of your cycle.  The app is then available for a clear and simple cycle view. Daysy is the perfect way to get to know your cycle and plan a pregnancy.


How does the cycle calculation work?


In order for Daysy to calculate your cycle, several factors are relevant. On the one hand, the cycle length is important. The female cycle begins on the first day of menstruation (= 1st day of cycle) and ends the day before the next menstruation. Each cycle is individual and can also vary from cycle to cycle. Daysy measures the daily basal body temperature (wake-up temperature). This is because the basal body temperature is somewhat lower during the first phase of the cycle and rises by 0.25-0.45 °C around the time of ovulation. The temperature and cycle length are evaluated accordingly. These two pieces of information must be recorded and evaluated. However, factors such as too little sleep, infections or too much alcohol should not be ignored.


By the way, pregnancy can only occur on 6 days of a cycle, 5 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. Daysy calculates these days and displays them. However, Daysy is not a classic contraceptive and therefore does not protect against transmissible diseases.


How to use Daysy



In order for Daysy to calculate the cycle reliably, I take my basal body temperature every morning before I get up. To do this, I place Daysy’s temperature sensor under my tongue, wait 60 seconds and Daysy shows me the status of my cycle with a colored light. The following colors show the respective cycle phases:


  • Green light: infertile phase
  • Red light: fertile/possibly fertile cycle phase, pregnancy can be planned
  • Red flashing light: predicted ovulation
  • Yellow days: indicate cycle fluctuations or Daysy is still in the learning phase
  • Red, green, yellow: possible pregnancy

The operation is very simple and can be done daily without much effort. I got used to the morning measurements after only 1-2 weeks. For this I put Daysy on my dessert next to my smartphone. As I set the alarm clock on my smartphone, I see Daysy and start measuring. Of course Daysy has always accompanied me on vacation.

It’s also important to synchronize Daysy with the app every few days so that you have a good overview of your cycle. In the beginning Daysy will show you yellow days more often, because she also has to get to know her individual cycle first.


My conclusion


I’m super happy that I got involved with Daysy, because you get to know your body better and start to think about your cycle. I find the app especially handy, it offers a clear display and you can also manually add more notes, e.g. how you felt, sexual intercourse etc.  My partner also got used to Daysy very quickly and was curious, especially regarding the technical side, the algorithm of Daysy is based on 30 years of research and you can see that. Accordingly, I can recommend Daysy to you if you want to learn more about your cycle and body so that you can listen to your body and of course for anyone who wants to have children to identify the fertile days and plan a pregnancy.


If you want to learn more about Daysy, I recommend you take a look at the Daysy website. There you will find a lot of information about Daysy, the female cycle and much more. I find the website a very helpful addition to the product. You can also find videos about the use of Daysy on Youtube.



1 Comment

  1. Wednesday August 26th, 2020 / 06:47 PM

    Auf jeden Fall ist es super, da kommt man um die Hormongabe herum.
    Liebe Grüße!