Some of you have probably already been thinking whether you are operating on the “right” blog platform your blog. I would therefore now illuminate the me known blog platforms to eliminate any uncertainties and you as to facilitate the decision of a change.
short overview

I started my blog nearly a year ago. To use Blogger no knowledge is necessary in terms of html and Co. At least not as long as one uses the provided blog templates. Blogger is free, so it’s a great way to start blogging and to launch a test phase. Not for everyone, and each is blogging the perfect hobby. To find out whether it is suits you a free platform optimally. You gain a blog address in the format, where the country attribute respectively adjusts the current access land.
operation and functions
The use of Blogger is very simple. After a few posts, it runs by itself. The design of the blog can be easily adapted to the options provided in color, font, etc.. Through the “modular system” you can easily format layout in Blogger make, for example, Recent Posts, Social Media Galleries, etc. The articles can be written in the font format and in HTML format. To write while on the go with your smartphone posts there the Blogger app.
It is possible for bloggers, so to run the blog under your own domain You pay then the domain provider the fee, the integration of Blogger is then free.
In addition, externally more blog layouts, so-called. Templates are purchased in order to obtain a more individual style.
The blogger community is friendly and active. It is easy to find new blogs and also to follow this to get in touch. Visit the blogs of your fellow bloggers and interacts with them. Blogger coupled with Google Friend Connect, so that you can you build a community via GFC.

short overview is free and not selbstgehostete blog platform WordPress. This blog platform is the basic version is also free, such as Blogger. Thus it is also a great way to start blogging without generating costs. Your blog will receive an address in the format
operation and functions
The control panel is against another blogger, but also very clearly laid out and you can understand it in my opinion quickly. However, one need might take longer to discover certain features. Here you have the possibility to write posts in text format to capture or in HTML format. The other functions do not differ appreciably from those of bloggers. WordPress plugins are only in self-hosted WordPress blogs available, more on that later. With you can also choose from blog layouts and customize it according to your wishes something. To write on the go some posts there is the app.
There are at WordPress the ability to carry out its own domain, so However, this is at a cost.
In addition, externally more blog layouts, so-called. Templates are purchased in order to obtain a more individual style.
Also at can be using the WordPress Readers new example find thematically close Blogs easy for bloggers I find it somewhat easier. There are also at a community and it makes sense to combine. Other blogs you follow here directly from WordPress and new posts of them appear in the Reader. In my experience, however, it is easier to get to the top on Blogger in contact as at
short overview is probably the most popular platform for selbstgehostete blogs. A self-hosted blog is the one who owns a domain and is hosted at a hosting provider, this causes naturally depending hosting provider higher or lower costs. It has both the domain and the hosting are paid. Therefore, it is worthwhile for everyone, do not offer what Blogger and enough and have already discovered blogging as passion.
operation and functions
In you can install many useful plugins and add as other functions, it is then, however, the complexity. The operation of unlike Blogger and somewhat complex. I found the blog experience which I already brought the change to helpful. However, I had to first operation of WordPress teach, as I have previously worked with bloggers. Contributions may also but Html-format are created here in the font size or.
About external providers as well as on even further, so-called Themes be purchased in order to personalize the blog layout and optimize. Prices vary enormously there, depending on the provider you pay more or less.
The community is at a bit harder to get in than at blogger, but you can create also an account with the blog at and use the local benefits of the reader to network with other bloggers. However, one does not know at first glance often that Blogger blogs with By contrast, one recognizes this in Blogger and often easier, not only for those with the Blogspot or WordPress domains, but also in those who have placed over your own domain.
If you just start wondering about blogging, you should definitely first worry about it, what are your goals in terms of blogs. Should it simply be a small hobby or equal to a real business, or something in between. Do you want it already beginning to spend money or prefer to blog on a free platform first. These questions you must ask yourself before you start blogging, otherwise you repent your choice maybe later. Blogging is a very time consuming hobby, if you rather have less free time available, I would personally start with a free Blogger platform to see how the whole thing developed. Likewise, if you are you still not quite sure blogging. Simply not to unnecessarily generate costs.
If you have a precise concept and you can easily be incorporated into technical programs, there is nothing to begin through blogging with a self-hosted blog. just do not underestimate the work.
Finally, it should be mentioned that it is a lot easier on the matching for you blog platform to start blogging instead after half a year having to transfer the entire blog. The transfer is not impossible, I have also done it, but it’s quite a piece of work that you can spare you in advance. If interested, I’m going to WordPress Write and publish an article also about Moving.
I hope the article has brought you some clarity and would appreciate any feedback.
thank you for this article! It’s been very useful 🙂 Would love to read more like these 🙂
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Thanks for your feedback 🙂 I will write more about blogging in future.
I’m on blogger, although now I wish I’d started on WordPress! I did considering switching before but it is a lot of hassle, and I wouldn’t want to risk things going too wrong. :O Blogger suits me fine, although I do think that WordPress is a little more professional? x Thanks for sharing this informative post, hun! x x Kisses. 🙂 x
It was the same for me, but finally I tried to go from blogger to and I am happy now 🙂 At you’ve got a lot more options and tools with the different plugins, also less limitations than blogger. So you can do it like you want. Thx for visiting ? xx
Ich habe damals auch ein wenig überlegt und mich am Ende für Blogger entschieden. Zwischenzeitlich überlegte ich mal zu wechseln, nachdem ich länger am Bloggen war aber das war mir dann auch zu aufwendig und unglücklich war ich mit Blogger nie. Also bleibe ich einfach dabei =)
Liebste Grüße, Mandy von finding Flow
Ja solange du alle Tools hast die du brauchst würde ich vom Wechsel abraten, ist schon einiges an Aufwand ^^ Liebe Grüsse
EIn schöner Post! Obwohl ich nun schon so lange blogge, kann ich mich noch nicht von Blogger lösen, da ich im Grunde ziemlich zu frieden bin. Ich habe eine eigene Domain und auch ein ordentliches Design.
Es graut mir einfach davor alles transferieren zu müssen. Nach mehr als vier Jahren ist das einfach zu viel Arbeit. Außerdem ist es ärgerlich, dass man seine GFC Follower nicht mitnehmen kann 🙁 Ich werde wohl auch vorerst bei Blogger bleiben -ä obwohl ich eine Zeit auch über einen Wechsel nachgedacht habe. Aber es gibt auch ziemlich viel “Große” Blogger, die auch bei Blogspot sind, also kann es ja eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht sein 😉
Liebe Grüße
Ja es gibt wirklich viele grosse Blogger bei Blogger, aber oftmals sehe ich leider schlecht angepasst Themes bei denen nicht alles sauber integriert wurde. Aber ja bleib besser ich hatte auch einen Einbruch an Besucherzahlen aufgrund der Vernetzung bei Blogger 🙂 Liebe Grüsse
Danke für die tolle Zusammenfassung! Ich würde auch gern mehr aus unserem Blog machen, uns fehlt aber eindeutig Zeit und vorallem das Wissen. Deswegen bleiben wir bei Blogger, wir kommen gut zurecht damit.
LG Anna
Ein Umzug ist schon sehr zeitintensiv und wenn ihr soweit klar kommt ist das doch optimal 🙂
Ein sehr schöner Überblick! Ich denke, dass ist für viele Neustarter richtig hilfreich. Ich bin mit WordPress soweit eigentlich ganz zufrieden. Allerdings sind das Installieren neuer plugins und die Tatsache, dass mancher Embedded Code (wie z.B. Rafflecopter) nicht sofort läuft etwas nervig.
Liebe Grüße,
Christina ♥
Ja ich bin auch zufrieden mit WordPress, ich denke überall gibt es Dinge die negativ auffallen.
Liebe Grüsse
Wir sind ja auch bei Blogger und bisher zufrieden. Ein Umzug wäre mir vermutlich auch zu umständlich und zu viel Arbeit.
Aber ein sehr interessanter Artikel.
Viele Grüße
Ja es ist auch sehr umständlich. Vielen Dank 🙂
Ich habe auch Blogger gewählt und bin nun schon seit 5 Jahren dort und immer noch sehr zufrieden. LG Romy
Danke für diesen Überblick. Ich bin (noch) bei Blogger aber überlege zu WordPress zu wechseln, dein Post ist eine große Hilfe! Liebe Grüße, Feli von
Freut mich, dass er dir hilft 🙂 Am Besten vorher alles abklären, die alten Posts kannst du ja übertragen, allerdings leidet die Darstellung etwas. Liebe Grüsse
Super Post und sehr detailliert erklärt 🙂
Liebe Grüße,
Dankeschön 🙂