Review: Filabé – Skin Clear

The skin care and facial cleansing can be simple that will show us Filabé. I have tested the new facial tissue and would you now like to tell you the tale.


Filabe skin Clear



Manufacturers description


“With the completely new maintenance concept of Filabé your skin with special effectiveness is cleaned up in the depth. The revolutionary combination of cosmetic microfibre with liposomes provided their skin intensively with nat. Care actives than conventional cosmetics for problem skin. The result is a clarified complexion and a noticeably smoother, more radiant and nourished skin. daily use supports the skin in regeneration and ensures a natural balance. Due to the completely new care concept for all skin types. ”


Filabe skin Clear



Lecithin, Astragalus membranaceus Root Extract, Dipropylene Glycol, niacin and thus:

Without preservatives, alcohol, perfume and emulsifiers


Filabe skin Clear




Making the dry disposable cloth wet with water. With the fluffy side face 30 – gently massage 45 seconds evenly. Use the surface of whole cloth for care. Once a day recommended for use.


filabe skin clear


the test


The Skin Clear of Filabé are primarily intended for use in impure skin. Preliminary convinced me in any case, the concept of the ingredients. For testing, I have received a box of 4 bags of each 7-Filabé towels.


As a result, I have the towels used for 7 days until the present day. The application is super easy and timesaving. I have used the towels each evening and washed my face with water only in the morning. The skin felt after the application gently cleaned, not tensed and felt not dried on. From the cleaning effect, I am pleasantly surprised. I will continue to use the Filabé towels. The skin despite summer heat and make-up not with pimples react during the use.


There are at Filabé other variants of these cleaning towels as Anti-aging or for dry and sensitive skin. The linen you get under:


Do you know Filabé or did you’ve already tried them?





*  PR-Sample



  1. Babsi
    Sunday July 24th, 2016 / 08:06 PM

    Wunderschöne Review da fällt mir ein ich habe die auch noch unverpackt bei mir liegen sollte ich auch endlich mal testen! 🙂 lg Babsi

    • Sunday July 24th, 2016 / 08:08 PM

      Dankeschön. Ja tu das 🙂

  2. Sunday July 24th, 2016 / 08:21 PM

    Ich mag deinen Blog sehr !

    • Sunday July 24th, 2016 / 10:16 PM

      Vielen Dank Liebes 🙂

  3. Sunday July 24th, 2016 / 10:45 PM

    Wirklich toll, dankeschön =) Am See bin ich selten wegen Mücken, aber im Park bin ich gerne =) Na ja im Biergarten gibts ja nicht nur Bier *lach* 😀 Ich trinke meist Johannisbeer-Schorle und mir gehts da auch eher ums zusammensein mit Freunden bei leckerem Essen wie z. B. Zwiebelrostbraten 😀

    Kannte die Marke noch gar nicht, daher danke fürs Vorstellen =P
    Die Tücher klingen wirklich toll, da ich aber keine Pickel habe, höchstens mal einen im Jahr 😀 Brauch ich die wohl erstmal nicht.
    Liebe Grüße

    • Monday July 25th, 2016 / 05:21 AM

      Ja klar 😉

  4. Monday July 25th, 2016 / 05:41 AM

    Guten Morgen, oh ja, ich kenne die Filabe Tücher bereits und mich konnten sie absolut überzeugen. Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche. Liebe Grüße Jana

    • Monday July 25th, 2016 / 07:37 AM

      Super 🙂 Liebe Grüsse, danke dir auch

  5. Diana B.
    Monday July 25th, 2016 / 07:04 AM

    Wonderful review 😀 This one looks really good to skin 🙂

  6. Monday July 25th, 2016 / 09:33 AM

    love the review!! can I get it in Asia?
    x, Ivana

    • Monday July 25th, 2016 / 03:52 PM

      Maybe on the Website, I think they havent got expand to asia so far

  7. Monday July 25th, 2016 / 10:14 AM

    Habe ich noch garnichts von gehört, hört sich ja aber super an 🙂
    <3 michelle // covered in copper

    • Monday July 25th, 2016 / 03:51 PM

      Bei uns läuft die Werbung immer im TV ^^

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